Saturday, December 12, 2009

Watch School Boy Crush Online Im So Sad And Confused With Love?

Im so sad and confused with love? - watch school boy crush online

theres this boy at school, I have a text message a lot, that usually is the convos, and I called and talked for 3 hours once, and online chat and other atschool sometimes collide. We speak often with him on Facebook, but text messaging and instant .. I told my friend that I really fell in love with him and shes like "wtf EW and" then he has and facebooking into conversation and he told me he thought it was odd, but continued talking and she said "u should our to see the game and I was home and say, instant messages that we see each other and hes like "no i dont like ur plan" wit and my Facebook friend and said "ill try to leave the studio and hang with U in the gym and shes like "ok, but if u find me ____ (my name) it is, it's OK?" What the hell, why not even talked about me u? In any case, they're going tomorrow, but I'm the one who who really wants to meet him, I'm confused, so I'll call this a bit in my friend, Why do?

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